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HomeShopRIGGINGOpen Wedge Socket model WS10 for 1-1/8″ size wire rope

Open Wedge Socket model WS10 for 1-1/8″ size wire rope


Gunnebo Johnson Model-WS10 Open Wedge Socket for wire rope sizes

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SKU: GUNN472385 Category:


 Easy-to-change Gunnebo Johnson Wedge Sockets are a high strength, cast alloy steel. Each socket accepts at least two different ductile iron wedges. This allows the socket to be used with more than one rope size.  Together, wedge and body act as a vise which grips the wire rope and locks it into place.

To switch from an overhaul ball application calling for a 7/8-inch wire rope to a block application calling for a 1-inch rope, it is not necessary to buy a complete wedge socket. A simple change-out of wedges will suffice. Of the 18 models of wedge sockets offered by Gunnebo Johnson, all but one, the FS-26, can be adapted to at least two sizes of wire rope. The WS-5, in fact, will adapt to three: 1/2, 9/16, and 5/8 inches. Be sure that the wedge is correct for the wire rope size.

Each socket manufactured by Gunnebo Johnson  has a model number and acceptable rope sizes cast into its body. Each wedge has the rope size and particular socket model it will fit. Wedges are also coded by means of color. Red indicates that the wedge is for the largest size of wire rope stated on its socket. Green indicates that the wedge is for the smallest size of rope stated on its socket. Blue indicates that the wedge is for a rope size of 9/16 inches. At the time of shipment each socket assembly is clearly identified by a steel-banded plastic tag stating: WEDGE IN THIS SOCKET IS FOR (SIZE) WIRE ROPE ONLY.

When using wedge sockets note that two precautions should be taken.

  1. Make sure that a sudden jolt or impact does not dislodge a wedge. When installing wire rope, always pre-load the wedge with wire rope in place. Check frequently to re-tighten or re-position as necessary.
  2. Make allowance for the crimping effect common with all types of wedge sockets. Experience shows that it will reduce the  working load limit of a line by 20 percent.



MODEL Wire Rope Size Wt. A B E P Q R S V
WS-4 3/8 3 6.500 5.375 2.625 1 1 1.750 1.125 .375
WS-4 1/2 3 6.500 5.375 2.625 1 1 1.937 1.125 .375
WS-5 1/2 8.5 8.750 7.250 3.500 1.250 1.375 2.437 1.500 .625
WS-5 9/16 8.5 8.750 7.250 3.500 1.250 1.375 2.812 1.500 .625
WS-5 5/8 8.5 8.750 7.250 3.500 1.250 1.375 2.750 1.500 .625
WS-6 5/8 9 8.812 7.312 3.500 1.250 1.500 2.500 1.500 .562
WS-8A 5/8 17 11.250 9.125 4.125 1.625 1.750 3.187 2.125 1
WS-6 3/4 9 8.812 7.312 3.500 1.250 1.500 1.400 1.500 .562
WS-8A 3/4 17 11.250 9.125 4.125 1.625 1.750 2.844 2.125 1
WS-7 7/8 15 11 9.500 3.500 1.250 1.312 2.937 1.500 .625
WS-8 7/8 16 11.375 9.500 4.125 1.625 1.750 2.875 1.875 .750
WS-7 1 14.5 11 9.500 3.500 1.250 1.315 2.875 1.500 .625
WS-8 1 16 11.375 9.500 4.125 1.625 1.750 2.500 1.875 .750
WS-10 1-1/8 45 15.437 13.250 4.125 1.625 1.750 3.062 2.187 .750
WS-11 1-1/8 55 16 13.500 5.500 2.500 2.500 4.500 2.500 .812
WS-10 1-1/4 45 15.437 13.250 4.125 1.625 1.750 3.125 2.187 .750
WS-11 1-1/4 55 16 13.500 5.500 2.500 2.500 4.250 2.500 .812
FS-26 1-1/2 99 18.375 15 6.875 3 2.625 4.187 3.375 1.250


Additional information

Weight 9 kg


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